Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A success story

About a couple of years ago, when I met Luis at the Middleton Unit (TDCJ), I could tell he was ready to learn about Jesus and His Word. Luis was in his late 20's and often told us about his flight from his native Cuba in a makeshift raft which came apart in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on the way to Miami. As the lessons continued every Tuesday evening, Luis was getting more excited about his new-found faith. He read his Bible so much and so often he soon worn out his paperback copy of the Scriptures. Luis became my co-teacher and shared with other inmates from his heart and his findings his perspective about the gospel seen from inside the prison. Because of his exemplary conduct Luis was freed long before completing his sentence.

When he arrived in El Paso to be with his wife and children, because of his criminal past, his wife resisted him, even though he told her about his new faith in Jesus. This became a challenge to Luis who persevered in prayer and in humility serving and modeling his faith in Jesus to her and his children whenever she allowed him. When things in his life got beyond what he could bear he would call me for support. After praying for him and consoling him I would direct him to the local church who was better equipped to help him and his family. In the meantime, helped by the Christian Service Center, we have sent boxes of clothing for Luis and his wife and children.

Then they started attending Mountwood Church of Christ in El Paso, who adopted that family and started helping in whatever they needed. Recently, while attending a Ladies Class, Maria opened her heart to the sisters present. They surrounded her with love and tenderness, offering all the help they needed. Last Sunday Maria could no longer resist the love of the Lord which came to her through her husband Luis and the local Christians. Following the morning worship María was baptized. When I called her on Tuesday to congratulate her she told she had never felt so happy. We praise God from Whom all blessings flow.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Liderazgo Compartido - Serie de DVD's

Nueva series de DVD's acerca del Liderazgo Compartido. El hermano Alberto Acosta y yo pasamos la mañana grabando 6 lecciones acerca del liderazgo en la iglesia. Todas las lecciones las centramos en Cristo y la basamos en la Biblia Sagrada. No tardaremos en tener disponibles a quienes nos los soliciten. Limitaremos a uno por iglesia. Mi dirección es

A new DVD series about Shared Leadership. Albert Acosta and myself spent all morning today recording six lessons about leadership in the church. All lessons are Jesus centered and Scripture based. We will soon have the DVD's available to whomever wants. We will limit one per church. My address is