Tuesday, December 2, 2008
At the end of the Seminar in San Salvador, Alex Castellanos presented me with this interesting painting: a large feather showing a lady preparing "pupusas", the typical food of El Salvador. Thank you, dear brethren.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
El Salvador, Seminario Nacional p/ Predicadores y Maestras
Los días 19 al 24 fueran de fiesta espiritual a todos nosotros que participamos del Seminario Nacional en la hermosa ciudad de San Salvador. Con la presencia de más de 150 personas, escuchamos conferencias, hicimos preguntas y también dinámicas de grupo. También estuvieron presentes hermanos de Guatemala y Honduras. Todos salimos loando a Dios y con la misión de preparar y eligir ancianos en las respectivas congregaciones.
From Nov. 19th through the 24th we enjoyed a spiritual fiesta with those who participated in the National Seminar for Preachers and Teachers in beautiful San Salvador. There were more than 150 present and together we heard lessons, asked questions and had small group discussions. There were brethren who came all the way from Guatemala and Honduras to be with us. All left that place praising God and with a mission to prepare and appoint elders in their respective congregations.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Coahutemoc - Nuevos comienzos
Saturday, October 25th, was the new beginning for the Church of Christ in Coahutemoc, in the Mexican State of Chihuahua. Representatives from the local church, from Chihuahua City and from Granbury, Texas witnessed the great event. A new evangelist, Othoniel Gutierrez and his wife Paloma, will begin their ministry to this church on November 4th. Press on brethren!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Nueva dirección en la escuela de Torreón
Hector Fernandez (first l to r) was appointed Torreon school of preaching director about a year ago. Hector follows brother José Luís Avila, who worked a total of 44 years as its instructor and director. There are now new students, dorm renovations have been made and currrently they are working on a new curriculum. The school is under the oversight of Churches of Christ from Burleon and Lampasas, Texas. Press on, brethren!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Reunión de oración - Brasil
Brethren from 16 congregations from the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, met for prayer while I visited them. Following my seminar on leadership, that lasted 5 hours, the brothers remained together from 3:00 to 11:00 p.m. to pray. No wonder the work grows in that country!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
La iglesia de Cristo - Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
De pecador a predicador
En su adolescencia Nacho se involucró con malas compañías y, a la edad de 19 años era un pandillero en la ciudad mexicana de Durago. Su vida consistía en tomar y vender drogas. Por un malentendido los demás pandilleros de su bando se revoltaron contra él y le querían matar. Nacho tuvo que correr para salvar su vida.
(Para el resto de la historia favor hacer click aquí: http://lseckler.googlepages.com/depecadorapredicador
As a teen-ager, Nacho got involved with the wrong crowd and, at the age of 19 he was a gang member in his home town of Durango, North Central Mexico. Drug taking and selling was very much a part of his life until due to some misunderstanding his own gang members turned against him and wanted to kill him. He had to run for his life.
(To learn more about this story, please click here: http://lseckler.googlepages.com/depecadorapredicador
Monday, June 30, 2008
Nuevos ancianos, Portugal
El domingo pasado, 22 de Junio de 2008, marcó un momento historico para la iglesia de Cristo en Oporto, Portugal. Presentamos tres hombres a la congregación como sus líderes espirituales. Ellos son: Adelino Silva, Tadeu Martins y Domingos Martins.
Last Sunday, June 22, 2008, was a milestone for the Igreja de Cristo (Church of Christ) in Oporto, Portugal. Three men were presented to the congregation as their spiritual leaders: Adelino Silva, Tadeu Martins and Domingos Martins.
Era una pequeña iglesia cuando la establecimos en 1975, ahora es un lugar de fe en el norte de Portugal. Al final del culto, después de presentarles los tres hermanos, les pedí que se pusiesen de pie si estaban listos para servir bajo el liderazgo de ellos. Todos se levantaron.
A fledgeling church when we established it in 1975, now a stronghold of faith in northern Portugal. At the end of the assembly, after I had introduced the three men, I asked the congregation to stand if they were ready to serve under them. They all stood.
Aunque Portugal tenga su cultura socialista liberal, la iglesia de Cristo sigue siendo un baluarte del cristianismo bíblico conservador. Damos gloria al Señor por otra iglesia de misión que está en la vanguardia en el liderazgo compartido.
Despite Portugal’s socialist agenda and liberal culture, the Igreja de Cristo has been a bastion of conservative biblical Christianity. We praise the Lord for another mission church that leads the way in sharing their leadership. Lou Seckler
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Anuncio importante
Monday, June 2, 2008
El bautismo - La marca del amor de Dios
El bautismo por inmersión siempre ha sido parte integrante de la iglesia de Cristo. Desde su inicio en Pentecostés hasta el presente ha sido algo que todos nosotros, tanto los que hemos sido bautizados como los que enseñamos acerca del bautismo bíblico, no nos cansamos de enfatizar su importancia. En este sitio encontrarás información pertinente al bautismo que hace ese acto sagrado indispensable para comunicar la transición del reino de las tinieblas de Satanás al reino de luz de Dios. Léalo. Se titula: "El bautismo - la marca del amor de Dios"
Baptism by immersion has always been an integral part of the churches of Christ. Since the beginning at Pentecost, till the present it has been something those of us who have been baptized and those who teach about this matter never tire to emphasize its importance. On this site you will find information about baptism that makes this sacred act indispensable to mark the transition from the kingdom of darkness to God's Kingdom of light.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Popocatepetl - La bella durmiente
Shooting from the plane, Karl Jones, was lucky enough to catch Mexican volcano Popocatepetl smoking. The volcano is located near Mexico City. One of Mexico's wonders.
Nueva Francia, Chiapas
El entorno la semana pasada fue el ultimo retudo de los bosques tropicales de norteamérica, en Chiapas. El edificio, con su techo de lamina y paredes de mas o menos tres metros de altura, tenía espacio para ventilación. También servía de paso para pollos, pavos y otros animales menores. Eso fue Nueva Francia, una comunidad pequeña en el interior de México, cerca de 80 kms al norte de la frontera con Guatemala. Junto con representantes de 26 congregaciones de la región, Carlos Jones, predicador de la iglesia de Cristo de Burleson y yo dimos un seminario el viernes y sábado, un total de 12 horas de conferencias. Los que nos acompañaron vinieron de pueblos de los cerros locales, donde se cultiva el cafe. Algunos caminaron largas distancias para estar con nosotros. La alegría de estar juntos solo la suplantaba sus ganas de aprender la Palabra de Dios que Carlos y yo compartimos con mucho gusto.
The setting last weekend was the last remainder of rain forest jungle in North America, the Mexican state of Chiapas. The building, a tin roof with walls about four feet tall, leaving space for ventilation. It was also free passage for chickens, turkeys and other small animals. This was Nueva Francia, a small community in the interior of Mexico, less than 50 miles north of the Guatemala border. Together with representatives of 26 Mexican congregations, Karl Jones, Burleson Church of Christ minister, and I spoke for 8 hours last Friday and 4 on Saturday. The men present had come from the communities located on mountain tops in that region, where they grow coffee. Some had walked great distances to be with us. Their joy of being together was only surpassed by their thirst for the Word of God, which Karl and I gladly shared.
Chiapas - En el extremo sur de México
This photo shows the small congregation in Mapastepec, Chiapas. About two years ago a cyclone destroyed their building. The on pictured here is new, where we met with members of such congregation together with Burleson, Texas church leaders, whose financial help made it possible for them to rebuild at a different location. Our seminar started the next day in Nueva Francia, Chiapas. Click here for full report:
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Saltillo-Taller de oración
Monday, April 7, 2008
La unidad en la iglesia - Chris Frizzell
El hermano Chris Frizzell, predicador asociado de la iglesia de Cristo en Granbury, Texas, presentó dos conferencias acerca de la unidad en la iglesia, ambas puestas en nuestro sitio. Se titulan: La unidad en la iglesia #1 y #2 ¡Que lo disfruten! Luis Seckler
Chris Frizzell, Granbury Church of Christ Associate Minister presented two great lessons on Unity in the Church. They both have been posted. Enjoy them! Lou Seckler
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
El Espíritu Santo - Por Carlos Jones
In Torreon, México, last month Karl Jones (Burleson Church of Christ minister), presented an excellent lesson about the Holy Spirit. Here is the outline. Click on the title. Lou Seckler
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Sermones acerca de la resurrección
The sermons posted on the uper section of our list have been prepared for preaching during this time of the year. Enjoy them! Lou Seckler
Monday, February 25, 2008
Seminario Glenn Owen - Participantes
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Honor a un hermano - Alfonso Pastrana
La semana pasada, durante el seminario Glenn Owen, Alfonso Pastrana recibió de Carlos Jones (izquierda), Chris Frizzell, Luis Seckler, una placa en agradecimiento por muchos años de participación y organización de ese evento. Gracias Alfonso.
Last week, during the Glenn Owen Seminar, Alfonso Pastrana received a plaque from Karl Jones, Chris Frizzell and Lou Seckler for his many years of participation and organization of that event. Thanks, Alfonso!
Si quieres hacer algún comentario, haz click abajo donde dice "comments". Gracias
If you wish to make a comment, please, click on "comments" below. Thanks.
Monday, February 18, 2008
El Seminario Glenn Owen
En la foto Carlos Jones presenta la lección acerca del Espíritu Santo con Luis Seckler traduciendo.
The photo shows Karl Jones, Burleson minister, teaching his lesson on the Holy Spirit, translated by Lou Seckler.
Los apuntes de la lección acerca del Espíritu Santo se encuentran en este sitio, cuyo enlace o titulo (link) está en la lista.
The lesson notes about the Holy Spirit are now available on this site. Click on corresponding sermon list.
Con la presencia de más de 60 predicadores y maestros llevamos a cabo el seminario anual los días 13 al 14 de Febrero, en Torreon, México.
With the presence of more than 60 preachers and teachers we conducted our annual seminar on February 13 and 14, in Torreon, Mexico.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
La raiz del cristianismo
Los diez mandamientos han sido respetados desde el día en que el Señor los dio a su siervo Moisés. Esas 10 reglas directas y objetivas transformaron una tribu de esclavos en una nación fuerte elegida por Dios.
The Ten Commandments have been worthy of respect since the day the Lord gave them to his servant Moses. These 10 direct and objective rules transformed a slave tribe into a strong nation elected by God.
Los diez mandamientos son la raiz del cristianismo. En los diez sermones que se encuentran en este sitio encontrás enseñanza de cada uno de los mandamientos y sus correspondientes en el Nuevo Testamento. Qué lo disfrutes. Luis Seckler
The Ten Commandments are the root of Christianity. The ten sermons (Spanish only) you will find in this site, contain teaching about each commandment and its correspondent verse in the New Testament. Enjoy them. Lou Seckler